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Vacuom emulsive osakaniza

  • Kanema wa Pulogalamu Yachilengedwe 1. Imatengera kapangidwe kake wa ku European Classtop, ndipo chitsulo chosapanga dzimbiri ndi chokongola komanso chowolowa manja. 2. The homogenizer imayikidwa pansi pa mphika, shaft yozungulira ili yochepa, ndipo sipangagwedezeka. The material enters from the bottom of the pot, enters the pipe outside the pot through the homogenizer, and then returns to the liquid level from the top of the pot for external circulation, which can fully ensure that all materials have...
  • Product Video Customer to the factory feeding video / production of toothpaste video Product Introduction This Machine produced by our company is widely used for manufacturing paste, ointment – like toothpaste, cosmetics, food and chemical industry. Titha kupanga mano mining a mano a dzino 50l, Max 5000l; Pansipa pali malangizo 2500L: Tathamangitsa technology yopangira ntchito, ndi kukonza zatsopano muzogulitsa. Nthawi yomweyo, ntchito yabwino yathandizadi ngongoleyo ...
  • Kuthetsa Madzi Ozizira Ozizira Ozizira

    Kuthetsa Madzi Ozizira Ozizira Ozizira

    Kuchulukana kwabwino kwambiri kwa Semi-Hermetic Comprelics amasungunuka

  • The equipment has the functions of fast cowl cutting, heating and cooling and vacuum defoaming, and has good homogenization emulsification effect , good hygienic conditions, high thermal efficiency, reliable electrical control, stable operation, convenient operation and maintenance, and labor intensity Inferior advantages. Ndi zida zabwino zopanga zonona, zonona ndi zodzola uchi. Itha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito popanga zida zapamwamba kwambiri zamankhwala, chakudya, komanso mafakitale abwino.

  • Sina ekato vacuum esulsive osakaniza ndiyabwino kwa mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya zakudya zodzola zonunkhira. Kwezani ukadaulo wa Germany Homogenizer, ndibwino kufupikitsa nthawi yopanga zinthu. Kuti tikumane ndi makasitomala akufunika, Sina Ekato amapereka chithandizo chambiri, ndipo amatha kusintha kusasamala komwe kang'anikirana ndi kasitomala.

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